Sylvia Bashevkin (supplied image)
Sylvia Bashevkin receives Governor General's Award in Commemoration of the Persons Case
Published: November 12, 2024
Sylvia Bashevkin, professor emeritus in the department of political science in the Faculty of Arts & Science and former principal of University College, is one of six recipients of the 2024 Governor General’s Awards in Commemoration of the Persons Case.
The annual awards are given on Oct. 18, marking the day in 1929 when Canada’s highest court of appeal declared that the legal definition of the word "person" included both women and men. The awards are given to individuals who inspire the next generation to continue the tradition of courage, integrity and hard work exemplified by the “Famous Five” – the five women activists whose legal challenge led to the landmark ruling.
Bashevkin was recognized for her research on the political marginalization of women and her findings on how female candidates were often placed in unwinnable legislative seats.
“These six women are an exemplary representation of the legacy of the Famous Five, evident through their dedication, passion, and commitment to making our country a better place to learn and to thrive,” said Marci Ien, Canada’s minister for women and gender equality and youth. “Their stories are reminders that when women succeed and offer inspiration to others, everyone across Canada benefits.”