7 reasons to pack your bags and study abroad: U of T student photos

Published: February 15, 2017
You could be pulling yet another all-nighter in the Robarts group study room next year, or you could start planning to take your studies on the road.
The photos below should make you want to pack your bags.
They were submitted to U of T's Centre for International Experience (CIE) as part of the annual photography contest. This year, CIE's 8th annual photo contest is taking submissions until Feb. 19.
Read more about CIE's new senior director
CIE hopes to showcase the photos by U of T students from past and current studies abroad or international exchanges at an exhibit March 8. Attendees will vote on favourite pictures. CIE will also be taking votes online during a Facebook voting period. There's prizes for first place winners in each category: people and places, landscapes, cultural learning and Toronto.
Take a look at some of the entries from previous years: