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E.g., 01/17/2022
photo of students walking on campus under fall foliage
November 16, 2020

The University of Toronto is launching a new initiative to support its commitment to advance student equity and accurately represent its diverse…

Carved stonework above University College doors
November 15, 2020

Toronto Public Health has linked four cases of COVID-19 to an informal, close-contact athletic activity on the University of…

November 13, 2020

Students who are graduating from the University of Toronto this fall are “an inspiration to us all” and the U of T community is looking forward…

November 13, 2020

As a child growing up in Mumbai, what Rohil Kishinchandani remembers most about Diwali is lighting firecrackers with his friends. “We would meet up…

person holds a syringe filled with the stage 3 trial of the pfizer vaccine
November 13, 2020

The aftermath of a bitter U.S. election wasn’t the only big news story this week: One of the groups racing to develop a COVID-19 vaccine – Pfizer…

November 12, 2020

Melissa Sariffodeen, who will graduate from the University of Toronto with a master’s in education degree this fall, is a celebrated digital literacy…

November 12, 2020

The University of Toronto and Palette Inc., a national non-profit organization, have formed a partnership to explore and develop strategies and…

Toronto General Hospital
November 11, 2020

Two projects involving researchers at the University of Toronto and its partner hospitals, each aimed at better understanding and tackling COVID-19,…

Gary Johnston in a tyvek suit in front of a graffti art rendition of Lenin
November 11, 2020

For the first time in his 30 years with the Canadian Armed Forces, Maj. Gary Johnston will be remembering Canada’s war dead by watching a ceremony on…