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E.g., 01/17/2022
Photo of Michael Liudeng
July 31, 2019

If there were a Rocky-style training montage for the University of Toronto's math camp, it might involve blackboard problems in circle…

Female (left) and male (right) black widow spiders
July 31, 2019

A new University of Toronto study finds male black widow spiders will hijack silk trails left by rival males in their search for a potential…

Photo of Lee MacDougall
July 30, 2019

Letting go of a long-held dream is never easy. When seasoned theatre actor, writer and director Lee MacDougall started his undergraduate career in…

Portrait of Marco Ho and Alan Li
July 30, 2019

When Alan Li and Marco Ho begin the fourth and final year of their pharmacy degree at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in September, they will…

Photo of Jooyoung Lee
July 29, 2019

As police continue to search for suspects Bryer Schmegelsky and Kam McLeod following reported sightings in Manitoba, CBC News asked the…

Portrait of Amy Finn
July 29, 2019

In 1952, 27-year-old Henry Molaison underwent brain surgery in an attempt to combat his increasingly debilitating epileptic seizures. The…