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E.g., 01/17/2022
Photo of team developing app
October 29, 2018

During his first year as a student at University of Toronto Scarborough, Peter Meng regularly spent $40 on gas to visit his girlfriend in Waterloo,…

Photo of woman standing before a temporary shrine
October 29, 2018

A University of Toronto alumna was among the 11 killed in an attack on a synagogue in Pittsburgh on Saturday. “The University of Toronto…

Photo showing the outdoors
October 26, 2018

"Do white people dominate the outdoors?” David Labistour, CEO of Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC), asked that question. As Canada’s iconic retailer…

Photo of  Kristen Facciol
October 26, 2018

When Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques is on the International Space Station this winter, Canadian space roboticist Kristen Facciol will…

Photo of Canadians at Tell Tayinat
October 26, 2018

Archeologists at the University of Toronto are in advanced negotiations with Turkey’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism to establish an archeological…

Photo of Thalidomide Survivors Task Group
October 25, 2018

In 2015, after decades of fruitless lobbying, Canadian survivors of thalidomide finally received compensation from the federal government. The drug…

Photo of Fiona Rawle
October 25, 2018

One faculty member has a policy never to lecture for more than 20 minutes at a time; the other has students understand DNA in a very physical…

Photo of Toronto streetcar in traffic
October 25, 2018

Falling transit ridership across big North American cities – including Toronto – has raised concern that Uber, Lyft and other ride-hailing…

Photo of Mark Carney
October 24, 2018

The revolution spawned by artificial intelligence and machine learning will – like previous industrial revolutions – hurt employment and wage levels…

Photo of Bill Morneau
October 24, 2018

The day after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau unveiled the details of a national climate framework – taxing carbon and offsetting costs to consumers…