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October 1, 2018

Attempts to replicate classical scientific studies have been failing. These alarming failures have hit psychology, the life sciences and other fields,…

October 1, 2018

The federal government recently spent $4.5 billion to purchase the Trans Mountain pipeline, a move that highlights the significant political risk…

Brett Kavanaugh
September 28, 2018

The fractious Senate confirmation hearings for Justice Brett Kavanaugh appear to have supercharged political polarization in the United…

Photo of found purse
September 28, 2018

For Suzanne Rochford, getting her purse stolen was a major blow. Rochford, who was a fourth-year engineering student at the time, was about to cash…

Photo of U of T campus
September 28, 2018

Consider the student transcript: For more than a century it has been a paper record of a student's academic achievements – documenting courses…

Photo of Faculty of Law campaign
September 28, 2018

The University of Toronto's Faculty of Law has announced a $30-million campaign to significantly deepen the financial aid pool and enhance the…

photo of Tianhao Wang and Stephan Anders
September 27, 2018

Tianhao Wang started the new school year with a job offer after a successful internship facilitated by an initiative offered by the University of…

photo of Nathalie Moon
September 27, 2018

Big data has the potential to create new life-saving knowledge in medicine and health, but only if we know how to make sense of large data…

Photo of Al Gore and Eric Schmidt
September 27, 2018

Toronto’s tech boom – driven in part by artificial intelligence research at the University of Toronto – has prompted talk of a “Silicon Valley North.”…

Photo of people taking part in blanket exercise
September 26, 2018

In the middle of a classroom, where the tables have been pushed to the sides and the chairs placed in a circle, sit a series of blankets. They include…