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Photo of organizers
February 23, 2018

“Want to start a movement?” That was the subject line for an email Roxanne Wright received from her friend and colleague Clare Gilderdale. “I…

Photo of U of T Entrepreneurship
February 23, 2018

The University of Toronto is among the top five best global universities for fostering startups, says UBI Global, a Stockholm-based research and…

Photos of Nixon and Martin
February 23, 2018

The Canadian government must match its public declarations with concrete action on issues such as disparities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous…

Photo of panel discussion
February 22, 2018

The New York Times exposé that led to the downfall of Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein began with two reporters typing up a bio of themselves,…

Meric Gertler
February 22, 2018

As an urban geographer, it’s clear to University of Toronto President Meric Gertler that one of the university's greatest strengths is the city…

Photo of Laura Rosella
February 21, 2018

Ontario has made major progress in reducing deaths due to circulatory, cancer and respiratory diseases – with more Ontarians surviving into old…

Photo of Jennifer Keesmaat
February 21, 2018

When it comes to city building, change is good, says Jennifer Keesmaat, the former chief planner for the City of Toronto. This semester Keesmaat is…

Photo of entrepreneurship event
February 21, 2018

If you've fostered the growth of hundreds of student and researcher startups, and your alumni have founded 190,000 private sector companies and…

Photo of Indian street
February 21, 2018

Siddharth Gautam is in the business of forging connections between people – so it’s fitting that he landed a spot on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s…