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August 11, 2017

Next week, three University of Toronto PhD students and an alumnus will stuff their bags, cameras and binoculars into a car and drive for five…

photo of student and prof
August 11, 2017

An undergraduate machine learning course led Huan Ling to author breaking research in the field – before he even began his fourth-year of studies at…

August 11, 2017

The remains of a majestic female statue uncovered at the archaeological site of Tayinat in Turkey may challenge our understanding of the public role…

Photo of Google doodle
August 11, 2017

Why does U of T love today's Google doodle on the birth of hip hop? Check out these four reasons: An ethnography of an open mic workshop…

August 10, 2017

U.S. President Donald Trump raised tensions Thursday, refusing to back down and telling reporters that his threat to bring “fire and…

August 10, 2017

His book was just reviewed in the New York Review of Books, and he was recently quoted extensively in a New York Times…

August 10, 2017

A team of paleontologists affiliated with the University of Toronto and the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) discovered a 76-million-year-old armoured…

photo of Friendly
August 10, 2017

Cities around the world are growing bigger and taller faster than ever before. By 2050 the United Nations estimates, 6.3 billion people – or 67…

mug shot of Al Capone
August 9, 2017

Here's a new take on the link between facial features and leadership: a U of T study examines U.S. law firms and the less reputable…

photo of students wearing eclipse glasses
August 9, 2017

If you haven't heard already, on Aug. 21 people across North America will be able to witness an incredible cosmic phenomenon – the solar…

Photo of Salma Hindy
August 9, 2017

Salma Hindy, who is pursuing a master's degree in clinical engineering at U of T, explains how she found her voice as a comedian by embracing her…

August 9, 2017

Peter St George-Hyslop, one of the world’s top neurodegenerative disease researchers, has won the 2017 Ryman Prize in recognition of his more than 30…