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E.g., 01/17/2022
Photo in Zandstra lab
January 18, 2017

The University of Toronto is the only Canadian institution to break into Times Higher Education's first-ever analysis of top universities working with…

Kofi Hope
January 17, 2017

Kofi Hope has watched the lives of many young Torontonians change for the better, often in small but meaningful ways. The University of Toronto…

photo of Hassan at laptop
January 17, 2017

When Huda Hassan was writing her applications to graduate school, she had no mentors in academia to turn to for advice. She asked for help through…

Photo of Loran Scholars
January 17, 2017

They beat the odds to get here, and now they are making a mark at U of T.  Out of more than 4,000 applications to the prestigious Loran…

Photo outside big box
January 17, 2017

The entry of foreign retailers into developing countries can improve household welfare by reducing the cost of living, new research from the…

Photo of Rory Capern
January 16, 2017

In bursts of 140 characters or fewer, many University of Toronto students and faculty communicate their ideas to the wider world.  For some,…

January 16, 2017

Professor Maydianne Andrade is meticulous in her research on the mating habits of cannibalistic spiders. Like any renowned scientist, she lets the…

photo of data
January 16, 2017

A University of Toronto study on uncertainty in scientific research could shed light on anomalies that arose in early attempts to discover the Higgs…

photo of elder with provost and president
January 16, 2017

The University of Toronto’s Truth and Reconciliation Steering Committee has released its final report, calling on the University to take action in six…

Photo of Zoe Whittall
January 16, 2017

Zoe Whittall has pretty much done it all as a writer. In addition to writing novels, short stories and poetry, she’s worked as a journalist and…

January 13, 2017

One of U of T’s earliest Tamil alumni has given a historic donation of $2 million to support Tamil studies program. The gift from Ravi Gukathasan,…

Photo of King Street West
January 13, 2017

In the first-of-its-kind study, a University of Toronto-led team has identified the ways our minds perceive architecture and discovered that an…