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E.g., 01/17/2022
Photo of Entrepreneurship 100 panel
November 30, 2016

In an era of "Dragon’s Den", Silicon Valley and TED Talks, there's a growing interest in what it means to be an entrepreneur. How do you…

knock a block game
November 30, 2016

Torontonians love to play – obsessing over escape rooms, ping pong bars and board game cafes, all of which are sprouting around the…

Photo of red ribbon for World AIDS Day
November 30, 2016

Tomorrow is World AIDS Day, and this year’s theme is Disclosure: HIV/AIDS in the 21st Century. This theme is particularly relevant for Thom and…

Photo of Lera Nwineh commenting on his prof
November 30, 2016

University of Toronto students can now fill out online course evaluations, sharing their ideas about what works – and what needs work – in the…

November 30, 2016

Benjamin Barber likes to quote former New York City mayor Fiorello La Guardia, who said, “There is no Democratic or Republican way of fixing a sewer,”…

Photo from virtual reality technology at SickKids
November 30, 2016

U of T Faculty of Medicine's Fahad Alam and Clyde Matava, both assistant professors of anesthesia, are hoping virtual reality can play an…

Photo of karaoke singers at a Xmas party
November 29, 2016

They're calling it neural karaoke. University of Toronto researchers Raquel Urtasun, an associate professor in computer science and Canada Research…

Photo of fake news
November 29, 2016

Did the Pope endorse Donald Trump for president? Did Hillary Clinton sell weapons to ISIS? Is Justin Trudeau actually the son of Fidel Castro?…

Photo of bowl of rice
November 29, 2016

For four days, fast food, sugary snacks and caffeine gave way to rice, sweet potatoes and soggy fish as U of T history students took on the alter egos…

Photo of AGO in Toronto
November 28, 2016

They’ve always been a hot spot for art lovers and history buffs, but now museums and galleries around the world are making way for a new kind of…

Photo of Undergraduate Awards recipients
November 28, 2016

Honoured for writing insightful essays of a few thousand words, five University of Toronto undergrads were flown thousands of kilometres to…

Photo of students in Munk one case competition
November 28, 2016

If you were given just 24 hours to come up with a proposed solution to sex trafficking in Toronto, would you be up to the task? Students in the…