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March 22, 2013

Imagine driving almost 900 kilometres on one litre of gas. A U of T Engineering student team is hoping to do just that at the annual Shell…

March 22, 2013

The best map ever made of the most ancient light in the universe — the remnant radiation left over from the Big Bang some 13 billion years ago…

March 21, 2013

I have a problem. I'm in my first year here at the University of Toronto and I'm struggling. Not with the workload - I mean it's…

March 21, 2013

More than 150 high school students, undergraduates and adults from diverse communities visited the University of Toronto recently to get a glimpse…

March 21, 2013

Hockey legend Mats Sundin built a career around healthy living, good nutrition, exercise and physical fitness. Now, the former Toronto Maple Leafs…

March 21, 2013

University of Toronto Scarborough professor Mathew Wells has a passion for water. He’s fascinated by how it flows and how other things move and…

March 20, 2013

New parents trying to find sleep strategies and tools to get a bit more shut-eye in the first 12 weeks postpartum will have to keep looking, says new…

March 19, 2013

For users of mobile, touchscreen devices it's an appealing idea: what if you could make a smarter, more accurate keyboard yet…

March 19, 2013

Many scientists today are engaged in a search for life on other planets. But University Professor Barbara Sherwood Lollar is wholly occupied with…

March 19, 2013

It's a glimpse into the world of scientists who study the stars, analyze the interaction of matter and radiated energy, and search for…

March 19, 2013

Researchers at the University of Toronto have shown that playing shooting or driving video games, even for a relatively short time, improves the…

March 19, 2013

The University of Toronto Scarborough was on hand to ring the opening bell of the Toronto Stock Exchange (TMX) March 15. UTSC Principal Franco…