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E.g., 01/17/2022
April 10, 2012

When Carl Sagan gave the inaugural lecture for the Jacob Bronowski Memorial Lecture Series at the University of Toronto's New College in 1975, a…

April 9, 2012

The Agenda Committee of the Academic Board has approved the appointment of Professor Daniel Haas as Dean, Faculty of Dentistry from July 1, 2012 to…

April 9, 2012

If you ever found yourself saying, “I wish there was an app for that,” now you have the tools to make it yourself. A recently opened…

April 8, 2012

Olympian Alexandre Bilodeau stood at the top of the moguls course at the Vancouver Olympics, confronted by a sea of rowdy Canadians, glaring lights…

April 4, 2012

The University of Toronto’s $2-billion Boundless campaign, the largest fundraising campaign in Canadian university history, has already…

April 4, 2012

Faculty of Music jazz lecturer David Braid has won another Juno Award: his solo recording, Verge, has been selected as the 2012 Traditional Jazz…

April 4, 2012

Faculty of Information Associate Professor Lynne Teather has been awarded a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal by the Governor General of Canada…

April 4, 2012

Northrop Frye, a Victoria University alumnus, once said “the fundamental job of the imagination in ordinary life is to produce, out of a society…

April 4, 2012

Low oxygen levels in tumours can be used to predict cancer recurrence in men with intermediate-risk prostate cancer even before they receive radiation…

April 4, 2012

What should a Post-It note have in common with a high-rise building?  If Constantin Christopoulos and Michael Montgomery have their way: the…

April 4, 2012

Research Communications Director Paul Fraumeni talks with acclaimed plant biologist (and U of T Scarborough’s vice-principal, research)…

April 3, 2012

U of T has been honoured as one of the Top Employers for Canadians Over 40. Since 2001, the editors of Canada's Top 100 Employers have published…