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Photo of Innis College
March 20, 2020

The University of Toronto is supporting and caring for students who must stay in residence during the COVID-19 outbreak, while actively assisting…

St. George campus at U of T during COVID-19 outbreak
March 20, 2020

It’s not easy being a university student under normal circumstances, let alone during a pandemic. The uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak…

Photo of a closed sign on the window of a jazz club
March 20, 2020

As the global response to COVID-19 unfolds in real time, public health officials are urging unprecedented measures in order to “flatten…

U of T med students who organized volunteers to help frontline health-care workers during COVID-19 outbreak
March 19, 2020

In the week leading up to the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, as it became clear the virus would have a wide-ranging impact, four students at…

Covid-19 sign is taped to a wall
March 19, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic spreads like a forest fire, but we have tools to control the burn.  That’s according to a new op-ed by University of…

St. George campus during COVID-19 outbreak
March 19, 2020

In response to COVID-19, the University of Toronto took important measures to protect the university community, including cancelling in-person…

Photo of cranes and construction workers at the site of two new hospitals in Wuhan, China
March 18, 2020

As the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Canada doubles each day, it’s time for the government to take emergency measures to speedily ramp up…

A pedestrian walks in front of an empty Ripley's Aquarium in downtown Toronto
March 17, 2020

As the new coronavirus continues to spread, authorities around the world are encouraging people to limit their contact with others in an effort to…

photo of a boy in a red jacket looking at a coronvirus sign hanging on a playground gate
March 17, 2020

It’s no easy task talking to children about the COVID-19 outbreak, but parents who can discuss it in an honest manner, while exhibiting calm amid the…

Person using a wheelchair
March 13, 2020

Wealth inequality in Canada continues to grow. It’s particularly staggering for people with disabilities because they have little to no money to put…

Robert Kozak and Samira Mubareka stand in a hallway
March 13, 2020

  University of Toronto researchers based at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and a McMaster University scientist have isolated the novel…

photo the university's crest, carved in stone
March 13, 2020

(Note: This story was updated March 17, 2020 with new information regarding the status of libraries, residences, staff and the number of…