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E.g., 01/17/2022
Photo of Arthur Slutsky at work
April 15, 2019

Arthur Slutsky chose to study engineering over medicine for a very practical reason. “I have a terrible memory,” he says. “When I saw those…

Photo of a mid-century open-concept office space
April 12, 2019

If you’ve ever worked or studied in an open-concept space, you probably benefited from the free flow of information – from overhearing useful…

Mylabathula sisters
April 12, 2019

The reason for identical twins Sandhya and Swapna Mylabathula’s visit to Parliament was no joke – even if they were carrying a life-size…

Photo of ornate doorway at U of T
April 11, 2019

The University of Toronto plans to work with the Ontario government to measure the impact of its top-ranked scholarship and research, as well as…

Street scene
April 11, 2019

Customers hold small businesses to a higher standard than their bigger counterparts when it comes to being friendly and helpful, a University of…

Photo of Teresa Kramarz
April 11, 2019

When third-year English student Sayeh Yousefi was deciding where to attend university, one factor made the University of Toronto stand out from her…

Photo of Yoav Finer
April 11, 2019

A new study by researchers at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Dentistry provides the first evidence that the body’s own defence system could be…