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E.g., 01/17/2022
April 28, 2016

Former University of Toronto President Robert Birgeneau is being awarded the 2016 Vannevar Bush Award from the United States National…

April 27, 2016

A mindfulness-based therapy co-developed by a University of Toronto psychology professor can help prevent the recurrence of major depression according…

flickr photo of storm clouds over a lake
April 27, 2016

Whether you turn to the Farmer’s Almanac, a 24-hour weather station or an app on your phone, weather predictions are a constant source of…

Philippine soldiers carry out a mock hostage rescue exercise
April 27, 2016

Canadians were shocked to learn recently that retired journalist John Ridsdel, who had been kidnapped along with three others last September in…

photo of kids playing and learning with laptops and robots
April 26, 2016

The University of Toronto's  Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study (JICS) has been named winner of the 2016 ‘Outstanding’ Laboratory…

April 26, 2016

Does your early morning yoga actually change the way you think? Yes, according to the research of Nicholas Hobson (department of psychology) into…

April 26, 2016

Urban issues were the main topic of discussion as U of T President Meric Gertler met with Utrecht University President Marjan Oudeman and Chinese…

April 26, 2016

It’s been an ambition since the 1960s and now, a new Student Commons is a tangible step closer to opening its doors on the university’s St. George…

April 26, 2016

When academics write op-ed pieces in newspapers and prepare reports for municipalities, foundations and others, they face a challenge, says Aseem…

salt shaker
April 26, 2016

While many food companies are working to cut the salt in their products in response to a voluntary sodium reduction strategy introduced by Health…

April 25, 2016

With exam season underway, students receive marks reflecting what they learned – but it’s often harder to evaluate improvements to skills such as…

April 25, 2016

Targeting cancer cells for destruction while leaving healthy cells alone — that has been the promise of the emerging field of cancer nanomedicine. But…