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E.g., 01/17/2022
Kezia Amoako stands for a portrait outside Convocation Hall
October 29, 2019

When Kezia Amoako was only a few years old, her mother would carry her to classes at the University of Toronto and practise her pediatric…

Photo of asylum-seekers making way to Canada-U.S. borders
October 28, 2019

A report looking at the influx of so-called irregular migrants crossing into Canada has found that misinformation and hostile U.S. refugee…

Wire-tailed Manakin in a tree
October 28, 2019

For the past decade or so, Jason Weir has travelled into the Amazon rainforest to play songs to hundreds of birds. The Amazon is home to a…

A 3D printed model of a heart
October 28, 2019

In a small, windowless room at Toronto General Hospital, a bank of seven 3D printers runs day and night, patiently laying down layer after layer of…

Portrait of Ellen Hodnett outside Simcoe Hall
October 25, 2019

Presenting her annual report to Governing Council, the independent and impartial University of Toronto ombudsperson came out strongly in support of…

Photo of Margaret Atwood with her Companion of Honour medal
October 25, 2019

Acclaimed author Margaret Atwood, who graduated from the University of Toronto's Victoria College, has received the Companion of Honour for her major…

Linda Trinh pictured in a gym at KPE
October 25, 2019

The American College of Sports Medicine, the American Cancer Society and 15 other international organizations recently issued new exercise…

Photo of students at Myhal
October 24, 2019

A new international ranking by Reuters places the University of Toronto first in Canada and among the world’s top 30 universities for efforts to…