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E.g., 01/17/2022
Dexter Voisin dean of Faculty of Social Work
January 31, 2020

Dexter Voisin, the dean of the University of Toronto’s Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, has been studying violence in Chicago for over…

PhD student Rajshree Biswas in a lab coat and goggles stands in front of a vial of fryer oil and 3D-printed butterflies
January 30, 2020

Researchers at the University of Toronto Scarborough have, for the first time, turned waste cooking oil – from the deep fryers of a…

Researcher Teng Cui holds up a small pink square silicon chip that was used to stretch the graphene over
January 30, 2020

Graphene is a paradox: It is the thinnest material known to science, yet also one of the strongest. Now, researchers at the University of Toronto’s…

A UTSC staffer speaks with another staffer at a reception desk outside of The Bridge at the UTSC campus
January 29, 2020

The University of Toronto is once again listed as one of Canada's top employers according to Forbes magazine. The global media company's…

Young people lineup at a polling station
January 29, 2020

The David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights, in partnership with several child rights organizations, is laying the groundwork for a…

photo of Zindel Segal sitting in front of a computer
January 29, 2020

An online version of a pioneering therapy aimed at reducing the lingering symptoms of depression can offer additional benefits for patients receiving…

A young girl in a red sweater cries beside a white truck at night near the border while a border patrol officer detains her mother
January 28, 2020

A two-year-old girl in a red shirt stands next to a white border patrol truck at night, crying. Her mother stands with her hands against the truck as…