U of T President Meric Gertler attends global summit of university leaders in Paris

Published: July 9, 2019
University of Toronto President Meric Gertler is in Paris this week to attend the inaugural summit of the U7 Alliance, a unique international partnership that brings together leading universities to tackle the most pressing global challenges of the day.
The two-day summit, which kicked off today, will see the leaders of over 45 universities – drawn from 21 countries and representing over 2 million students – discuss five major global challenges: climate change and clean energy, inequality and polarization, technological transformation, community engagement and the role of universities in a global world.
The summit will conclude with a vote on a series of concrete commitments that will be presented to French President Emmanuel Macron ahead of next month’s G7 summit in France.
U of T is a founding member of the U7 Alliance, which will meet annually in an effort to structure and advance the role of universities as global actors.