Vanity Fair goes inside U of T's new course on Trump and the media

Published: January 11, 2019
Sam Tanenhaus, a former New York Times journalist teaching at the University of Toronto this year, prepared a detailed syllabus for his course on Trump and the media. But like the U.S. president often does, Tanenhaus went off script.
He informally redubbed the course, in the book and media studies program, “Trump in Real Time” and leads a discussion each week about Trump in the news cycle, according to a description of the class in Vanity Fair.
At first, not everyone thought a course on Donald Trump was a good idea, Randy Boyagoda, the principal of St. Michael's College and English professor who came up with the idea, tells the magazine.
“You say 'Trump' in a serious context and they laugh. It's a lizard-brain reaction of the elites.”
But the class's 180 students, the vast majority of them women, appear so engaged in the material that the university is considering taking a similar approach to other subjects, including a “#MeToo in the Media” course, according to the article.