Thank you so much my friend. I mean it. It's unbelievable to be here. What an emotion. My body is in tumult. I am really up and down everything is higgity/piggity. I am completely discombobulated, jet lag, but really happy to be here together. Very happy. Very, very happy. Thank you. Thank you. The ceremony looks to me like a wedding. Yes, to sign...we have to yes and like I get married again. We can never honeymoon in Niagara Falls tonight. It would be wonderful. The President Gertler as the Pope. Like a wedding - a marriage. Really you are so lucky so start in this wonderful university, so prestigious. My God - a Doctor in a Toronto university. I am a Doctor. When I will be back in Italy, I am a Doctor in the Toronto university, the largest department Italian artists in the world, one of the most prestigious universities in the world. Oh my God. Now I forgot my speech. I am really excited, full of joy, full of gratitude to everybody. I envy you that you are starting here in this wonderful university. I am full of joy like a watermelon. Incredible, incredible to be here. I told yesterday but I repeat, this is one of the occasions where I would like to be a dog, a little dog to have a tail wagging in order to show you how happy I am. I would jump in the arms of everybody and licking everyone, like a little dog, like a little dog. Thank you, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. Merci beaucoup avec to ____, monsieur's and madams, ladies and gentleman, and I would like to thank of course President Gertler, thank you very much, and Vice President Saimin and all of the Governing Council of the university and Professor Literie for his wonderful speech about me, thank you very much. Thank you very much. And you my fellow, my friend, my brother and sister, my everything - I would thank also the trade, the furniture, the wall - everything - thank you, thank you, really a thousand times. Now, the Class of 2015 is the strongest class - congratulations to everybody. A wonderful day, a great day for you, for us. We are graduates now together. My God. I have been told what I have to talk about and I have been told...Michael Literie told me you can give some advice. Some advice, me to the graduates. So now you will really forgive me my boldness, my audacity, my shamelessness. I can you only about language - you can hear my language. So for instance I could talk to you today about the importance of words. This is very important. Like the poet Joseph Brosky said - I'm quoting him about the importance of words "of being exact in your language. Try to treat your vocabulary in the same way as you do your bank account. Pay attention to it, increase your revenue. Not in order to be showing off your speech in high society but in order to express yourself in a complete and precise way." In the end the goal is your own equilibrium and health. That is because the accumulation of things that one can express correctly will bring ill health. Believe me, every day a lot of things happen in our minds but our vocabulary stays the same. And this is really very, very bad. Feelings, nuances, deep thoughts, perceptions that remain unnamed and frustrated, all accumulate are repressed and then lead to an explosion of violence. This is the reason of violence in the world. They are not exact with the words. They don't talk, they don't have words. So read the poetry, please, read the poetry and dictionary every day. It costs less than a visit to the Psychoanalyst, believe me. Don't hide in the comfort of your beliefs. I would advise you to do the opposite. The more skeptical, dubious, intellectually insecure you are the better it is for you. Remember this, remember - don't wait for the world to take of you, take care of the world yourself, at least for the part that you are able to. Don't show off too much. Be modest. There is always something unpleasant about living a more advantaged lifestyle than others. Respect life not only for its good side but also for its difficult times. The good thing about sorrow is that it never lies. Ever. Every time you feel on edge, on the verge of desperation, or in the abyss of despair, remember life is talking to you in the only language it is capable of, sincerity. Listen to it in this moment. Don't be frightened of life. Don't flee from it. As the poet Robert Frost said " the best way out is always true." Be in silence alone with yourself. The more you can. We are always connected, connected with everybody but disconnected with ourselves. Think about your soul not only about your body. We have raced so fast with our body that our soul has been desensitized. It is behind our soul and it is gasping - the body is running too much and our soul is really behind gasping, asking for information "have you see a body?" We are going to lose our soul. We have already lost it, we must be careful. And remember that everyone brings his own contribution, invisible but yet concrete, towards good or evil. Identifying and fighting evil is the start of every happiness. Be happy, be joyful. The sadder you are the more vicious you are. Remember. So really be happy and dream. Dream of course, but be aware that the best way to make your dreams come true is by waking up. And respect the mystery of life. We don't know anything. We don't know. Life really is a mystery. The Italian philosopher Nicolo Machiavelli said "you can learn what you want, everything, but it's a mystery." The Italian philosopher Machiavelli said "there are people who know everything and that's all they know." Because life is a mystery. We don't know respect. Life is so much more than that which we can understand. For this it resists. Remember that that word is not the conclusion as the poet Emily Dickinson said, remember. And fall in love. Fall in love. If you don't fall in love everything is dead. Fall in love and everything will be alive. Fall in love now, now. Because we love always too little and too late. Fall in love now. Don't be afraid to love because it doesn't exist wasted love. Because at the sunset of life we will be judged on love. Because a _______[00:10:02] of creation is love and because love corresponds with the significance of all things. Happiness. With regards to happiness, search for it every day, continuously. Don't forget anyone who is listening to me now must begin to search for happiness now, because it's there. You have it. Look all over for it. In your closets or shelves, in the cubbyholes of your soul. Throw everything in the air, the will see that it will come out. Happiness is there. It was given to all of us. We must always think about happiness. And even if she forgets sometimes about us, we must never forget about her until the final day of our life. And so be happy and love. And with regards to love, I would like to finish my speech with a sonnet by Dante Alighieri about love and I choose this sonnet ______ - it's a love song because Dante Alighieri - the greatest poet in the world no doubts about this...Dante Alighieri is something that we cannot....Dante was able to find words, remember for inarticulate, to capture those feelings which people can hardly even feel because we have no words for them. Do you know we have a lot of sentiment inside the feelings but we don't have words, poetry does this - call this, give names. So we alive, we are human beings. For poetry, and Dante did this. He invented the 99 times a new word. For example, restlessness - if a poet doesn't invent this word, who knows when I am like this what I am, I don't know. So remember that imagine people comprehend the incomprehensible demands immense resources of language and reaching the meaning of words and enchantment - because without enchantment the rest is useless. Now I will read you this sonnet of Dante. I will recite it in Italian. Dante wrote this sonnet about your age, he was about 22-23 years. So perfect this sonnet that it appeared was inevitable. It's really an audacious beauty, a standpoint of beauty. Every single line of Dante, every single triplet of Dante is something unforgettable, unattainable, unequalled. And this sonnet...he was really very young, he was your age and he was in love. He was in love. Remember to be in love always. It was dedicated to the woman who he was in love with, Beatrice Portinari, the most exalted woman loved by a man, believe me. The sonnet talked about love and you can hear this in Italian. You can hear the rhythm and the music, I hope, and the mystery of poetry and the mystery of life and of love. [speaks in Italian] Tanto gentile e tanto onesta pare Tanto gentile e tanto onesta pare la donna mia quand'ella altrui saluta, ch'ogne lingua devèn tremando muta, e li occhi no l'ardiscon di guardare. Ella si va, sentendosi laudare, benignamente d'umilta vestuta; e par che sia una cosa venuta da cielo in terra a miracol mostrare. Mostrasi sì piacente a chi la mira, che da per li occhi una dolcezza al core che 'ntender no la puo chi no la prova: e par che de la sua labbia si mova un spirito soave pien d’amore, che va dicendo a l’anima: Sospira. Translation: So gentle and so dignified she appears So gentle and so dignified appears my lady when she greets others, that every trembling tongue becomes dumb, and their eyes do not dare look upon her. She walks on, hearing herself praised, benignly clothed in humility; and seems to be something arrived from Heaven as a miracle on Earth. She appears so pleasant to those who looks upon her, and through her eyes a sweetness touches the heart, which cannot be understood by those who feel it not: and it seems that from her lips emanates a delicate spirit full of love, that speaks to the soul: Sigh.