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E.g., 01/17/2022
Cover of envelope addressed to Nancy Archer from Frederick Banting
July 19, 2016

"What makes for a really good mystery? It isn’t just an interesting question or sparring with a particularly evil villain. A good…

Former Ontario Premier William Davis with the first renewable license plate
July 19, 2016

As tedious as waiting in a government services line-up can be, most people still do it, despite having the option of getting their business done…

WISE all-sky image of the Milky Way. The circle is centred on the galaxy’s central region, while gthe inset shows an enhanced version of the same region with a clearer view of the X-shaped structure.
July 19, 2016

A University of Toronto astronomer and his colleague — with the help of Twitter — have uncovered the strongest evidence yet that an enormous…

Turkey's flag draped over an abandoned building
July 18, 2016

At least 265 people are dead, nearly 9,000 police officers fired, 6,000 military personnel and 103 generals and admirals arrested, and nearly 3,000…

Geoffrey Wodtke sitting on a staircase
July 18, 2016

The neighbourhoods I grew up in were middle class,” says Wisconsin-born University of Toronto sociologist Geoffrey Wodtke. “But growing up in and…

Alison Dias at a tennis match
July 18, 2016

When the world’s top tennis players hit the Olympic courts in Rio this summer, the University of Toronto Mississauga’s Alison Dias will be…

Prince Charles shakes hands with Patricia McCarney (Paul Burns Photography)
July 18, 2016

As the director of U of T’s Global Cities Institute, Patricia McCarney is no stranger to invitations to speak at conferences. But the email asking her…

A burnt tree outside Fort McMurray
July 18, 2016

During a trip to Adelaide, Australia in 2015, Jordan Duke witnessed her first wildfire. “We were driving over a hill and I could see a…

CVST map of the Greater Toronto area. The red, yellow and blue circles represent the number of data points in a specific location.
July 18, 2016

Mapping the City is an ongoing series on the stories we can tell about people and places in Toronto through maps created by University of Toronto…

Aaron Perstad
July 18, 2016

An astronaut holds a glass jar half-full of water in the near-zero gravity of space. How does the water look inside the jar? Does it form a single…

Seagull flies beside bench that bears flower tributes to victims of Nice attack
July 18, 2016

On July 14, Bastille Day, 84 people were killed and hundreds injured when a man drove a truck down the crowded Promenade des Anglais in Nice…

a very large crowd marching in the Pride Parade in Mexico City
July 15, 2016

A report from the University of Toronto’s international human rights program (IHRP) investigates abuses of human rights faced by people affected by…