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October 4, 2017

The car door closes, and your adolescent daughter slumps in the seat – a sheen of sweat from the game still lingers on her brow and a scowl emerges on…

Photo of Las Vegas shooting aftermath
October 4, 2017

The National Rifle Association says “the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” But that romantic-hero image is wrong:…

Photo by Lauren Schroeder
October 4, 2017

It may seem like a big jump from studying ancient hominins to coywolves, but for paleoanthropologist Lauren Schroeder, understanding the hybridization…

photo of crowd in front of UC
October 4, 2017

Law at the University of Toronto is 10th in the world in a new ranking of subjects by the prestigious Times Higher Education (THE) released today.…

Group photo of U of T President and city councillors
October 3, 2017

University of Toronto faculty and students are helping the City of Toronto to reach its greenhouse gas reduction goals, develop policies to ensure…

October 3, 2017

Sitting is probably killing you slowly – whether you exercise vigorously every day or not. Sitting has been referred to as the new smoking. And a…

Photo of Reformation propaganda
October 3, 2017

A new technology emerges that allows people to spread information to massive groups of people faster than ever before. While it’s used to promote new…

Photo of two women talking at Pillars of Health event
October 3, 2017

More than 200 health researchers, students and industry professionals – many connected to the University of Toronto – gathered at JLABS @ Toronto…

Gravitational waves
October 3, 2017

Three U.S. researchers were awarded the Nobel Prize in physics on Tuesday for their discovery of gravitational waves, ripples in space-time. Rainer…

Photo of woman and baby
October 2, 2017

Most new mothers experience baby blues – a few weeks of emotional upheaval that may include being irritable or crying easily. But some mothers…

Photo of Vincent Tembo
October 2, 2017

It was Vincent Tembo's keen interest in artificial intelligence, machine learning and the University of Toronto’s ground-breaking work in deep…