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E.g., 01/17/2022
Photo of mansplaining
July 17, 2019

In 2008, author Rebecca Solnit’s now famous essay, Men Explain Things to Me, set off a firestorm. Though Solnit didn’t use the term “mansplaining,”…

Photo of Anna Shternshis
July 17, 2019

Yiddish songs written by Soviet Jews during the Second World War that were discovered in Ukraine by a University of Toronto professor have been…

Photo of a copy of Der Eigene with a piece of the inscription missing
July 16, 2019

One of the opening pages of a 1924 edition of Der Eigene, said to be the world’s first gay magazine, is missing a piece. The carefully cut-out…

Wechat logo on a phone screen
July 16, 2019

Research from the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab outlines how Chinese social media app WeChat is using cutting-edge technology to censor…

Photo of a teen looking at an iPad
July 15, 2019

Researchers at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information are holding a series of workshops with children to better understand how they use…

July 12, 2019

Agincourt is renowned as one of Toronto’s Asian culinary hotspots. But its history – including opposition to a wave of immigrants in the early…